Masker Kain Wajah Motif


  • High quality silicone cover for PS4 controllers. Specifically designed to fit exactly over the Sony PS4 controller.
  • Provides improved feel and grip during gameplay. Protects your controller from bumps and scrapes.
  • Keep your Sony PS4 Controller safe and protected with style with this silicone skin case.
  • Add a splash of color to your PS4 controller and provide an instant all around protection from scratches, dirt, and grease caused by everyday use (and abuse). Non-slip surface is great for providing better grip to enhance gaming performance.
  • Manufactured using premium virgin silicone material. Smooth and washable design ensures comfort and cleanliness. Unique design allows easy access to all buttons, controls and ports without having to remove the skin. Color: White.



(Mohon konfirmasi stok motif masker. Dan tulis no. motif yang diinginkan di notes. Jika tidak, maka barang akan dikirim random)

Diproduksi dari bahan premium scuba tebal dengan filter berpori yang dapat melindungimu dari debu dan asap. Bahan elastis dan lembut. Tidak membuat telinga sakit dan mudah bernapas.

Dapat dicuci berulang kali.

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