Spanduk Outdoor


  • Includes every Track and Rider from the 2015 Official MXGP Championship, including Glen Helen and the new American Tracks
  • For the first time in an MXGP game, players will now have the chance to ride in 2 brand new indoor stadiums
  • Players will have unprecedented levels of customization. Not just on how their rider looks or their team name, but they’ll be able to customize every part of their bike: suspension, liveries, brakes, handles etc… After having built a bike, players will then be able to test themselves on the test track and gauge how well the new components will work in a live race!
  • For the first time ever in a Motocross videogame, MXoN (Motocross of Nations) will be available as a separate game mode and players will be able to race against the best riders the world has to offer!


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Spesifikasi    :

Pilihan Lebar Bahan    : 1 m, 1.2 m, 1.5 m, 2 m, 2.5 m, 3 meter
Bahan                             : Flexi Frontlite China
Format File                    : PDF – TIFF – JPG – EPS

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Pengiriman file : PDF – TIFF (mohon kirimkan file sesuai template)

Download Template Disini.



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